Tuesday, November 17, 2015


Every time I go into or leave my office at school, I see this professor's door:

And every time I see this professor's door, I think of this scene from The Great Muppet Caper:

And every time I think of Animal being angry and shouting about missing the Rembrandt/Renoir exhibit I laugh to myself a little bit.

And after laughing to myself a little bit, I want to go look at some art rather than do my grading. 


Maybe if I can get things done this weekend, I can stop off in Chicago on my way out to New York to spend Thanksgiving with family. Yeah. That sounds nice. I'm gonna do that.


Except Chicago is in the wrong direction. hmmm. I'm gonna hafta think more about this.


  1. David and I have been toying with the idea of making a trip to NYC at some point in the future. I just google mapped directions to the Met from our place and it's less than a five hour drive. Just sayin'.
